Eclectic Rubbish (foobar) wrote in lj_dev,
Eclectic Rubbish

  • Music:

LJ Textmessaging

Ok, it's official.

Come one, come all, and join the LJ_Textmessage community.

To start off with I'm just looking for volunteers, preferably with a brief overview of your skill-level with perl and html.

Note: I've already added the following people to the community: hey, you guys volunteered in here, now you pay the price. ;)

User "muerte" is now a member of "lj_textmessage".
User "muerte" can now post in "lj_textmessage".
User "jwendl" is now a member of "lj_textmessage".
User "jwendl" can now post in "lj_textmessage".
User "thefife" is now a member of "lj_textmessage".
User "thefife" can now post in "lj_textmessage".
User "idigital" is now a member of "lj_textmessage".
User "idigital" can now post in "lj_textmessage".
User "archon" is now a member of "lj_textmessage".
User "archon" can now post in "lj_textmessage".
User "scottfreeman" is now a member of "lj_textmessage".
User "scottfreeman" can now post in "lj_textmessage".
User "spacemonkey" is now a member of "lj_textmessage".
User "spacemonkey" can now post in "lj_textmessage".
User "rory" is now a member of "lj_textmessage".
User "rory" can now post in "lj_textmessage".
User "delphy" is now a member of "lj_textmessage".
User "delphy" can now post in "lj_textmessage".

Let's get to work, people. ;)

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