Людмила Костик (be_progressive) wrote in lj_dev,
Людмила Костик

RPC request for polling

Hey there!
I try to send request to Lj rpc-xml server for polling, but it return an error 203 - "Invalid argument(s): answers [203]".

Poll has ID
1968584 and chosen answer is 2.

The data that I send:

requestHash = new HashMap<String, Object>();
requestHash.put("pollid", "1968584");
requestHash.put("answers", "2");
client.call("LJ.XMLRPC.votepoll", requestHash);

In ljprotocol.pl I found following code:

# check answers parameter
  my $answers = $req->{answers};
  return fail($err, 200, 'answers') unless($answers);
  return fail($err, 203, 'answers') unless(ref $answers eq 'HASH');

But I can't understand, what means 'HASH' :(
Please, help me to find out, what am I doing wrong.
Tags: client, client: posting

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