7ds7 (7ds7) wrote in lj_dev,

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Live journal File Upload

Hi all, i am new around here and have a question about LJ for witch i can't get a answer searching the web.

So this is the thing, i am part of a team that runs  a LJ instance within a university community. We get to a point in witch a file upload system is necessary so that users can storage files and use them inside blog posts (rather they be image files,pdf...)

I understand that users from the livejournal.com community use scrappbook to have that kind of functionality. Althought our platform has our own log-in system so scrapbook is not a option.

I wonder if there is any plug-in / extension to use within the LJ client installation that can provide such feature.

Any kind of help would be very appreciated. Thanks
Tags: *unanswered, client, client: file upload, fotobilder

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