- Will the client statistics thing ever be re-enabled? It's been so long that I can't even remember what it looks like anymore. I think it'd list what clients a user used to post to their LJ, and there was possibly another page that'd give an overview on how many people were using your client.
- The checkfriends method was disabled after a version of LochJournal had a bug in it that'd bombard the server with requests. It was then re-enabled for paid users only. I gave up trying to implement it when it turned out it'd be useless for everyone but paid accounts. Will this ever get turned back on for free people (or has it been and I haven't been paying attention?)?
"Invalid password" when calling login method over XML-RPC
A week or two ago my LJBackup client started being unable to login - I didn't change anything (I think!), but now I always get an "Invalid password"…
cl-journal livejournal client
Hey everyone, I'd like to present a livejournal client that I wrote to fulfill my needs but maybe there are other people that can find it…
SessionGenerate and ljloggedin
Are there any information after release 86 and changes in cookies scheme to use sessiongenerate? It returns ljsession key, but this key is not enough…
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