So my strategy is to get an LJ session cookie (through the sessiongenerate interface call) and send that along with my request for the pictures. However, I can't get it to work with the cookie I get back from the sessiongenerate call. To check, I extracted my ljsession cookie from Firefox and pasted that into my code -- and then it worked. So it's not my code that is broken. Tt seems as if the return value from sessiongenerate is invalid...
I inspected the two cookies a bit further, and saw an interesting difference. The one from sessiongenerate has the following structure:
v1:u[some number]:s[some number]:[11 alphanumeric characters]//Thanks+for+signing+in+/+Liv
The one that I picked from Firefox (that does work) is like this:
v1:u[some number]:s[some number]:[11 alphanumeric characters]:[41 alphanumeric characters]//Thanks+for+signing+in+/+LiveJournal+lo
The ones I get back from sessiongenerate are consistent in their structure, and they miss the second string of alphanumeric characters that my working cookie does have. What is going on? Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?