shitwolf (shitwolf) wrote in lj_dev,

SQL and Linq

For a team project asignment we are setting up a client - server web site. We have on our back end SQL our database, with a linq layer on top of this. The web site is dyanamically rendered with with AJAX and runs on technologies. Pretty standard. Unfortunalty i got cast the job of doing such jobs a  database chores, database management, user management and authenitication. I have been considering how best to source control my database as the project procceds throught its iterations. I suspect you could write some kind of sql create scripts that runs tear down and then the rebuilding of the tables and relationships on some agreed upon preinstaled local server.
I have seen that linq is able to to this, by adding and interfacing with some agreeed upon local server. Is this safe, im not sure how exaclty the linq layer, and if it would give the same functionalty. Would deployment onto a like webserver be the same? Are there any pitfalls to this method,?
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