Your eyes are blocking my starlight (aerynvala) wrote in lj_dev,
Your eyes are blocking my starlight

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Difficulties with the Messages/Subscription area

We've got most everything working perfectly on our install, but the message area just isn't working.

When we try to send messages from user to user, it won't even get as far as sending the message if you put anything in the body of the message. If you put something in the body, you get this error: Message body is too long(11). It should not exceed characters. And if you leave it blank, it says it sent, but it's never received. And, of course, none of the other notification/subscription functions work either. I mean, you can subscribe and you can set it to notify, but nothing happens. No email, nothing showing up in the inbox.

Any ideas?

ETA additional error info

we have this in the error logs that we know relate to the problem:

Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
'/serverpath/htdocs/inbox/compose.bml' line 151.


Use of uninitialized value in numeric le (<=) at
'/serverpath/htdocs/inbox/compose.bml' line 53.


Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
'/serverpath/htdocs/inbox/compose.bml' line 53.
Tags: esn, server, server: config, server: notifications, server: troubleshooting, server: workers

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