Brad Fitzpatrick (bradfitz) wrote in lj_dev,
Brad Fitzpatrick

Stan screwed, again.

So I don't have to repeat myself:

Chris, Lisa,

I replaced Stan's memory yesterday with the new memory ASL sent out, but the server's locking up again.

I believe I left the memory test boot floppy in the drive on lj-stan. If either of you have time, can you hook a monitor up to it, push the disk in, and reboot it?

Last time the error messages showed up after about an hour of the test.... I imagine a few possibilities:

1) bad big batch of memory... got unlucky twice, because they're from the same batch.

2) motherboard is screwed, somehow.

3) OS is fucked? But it's bit-for-bit identical to the kyle. Very unlikely.

I'm not sure what the memory test will tell us, but I have to run it before I bitch to ASL again.

If either of you have other ideas, let me know.

Sorry for the inconvenience....

- Brad

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