I'd like to let you all know about the channel, just in case anyone would be interested in discussing LiveJournal. I'm sure enough of you geeky types know what IRC is that we can get more than 9 people into the channel.
The network is Lazynet. Server is irc.lazynet.org. Channel name is #lj_dev.
If you don't have an IRC client readily available, or you have some kind of draconian firewall that blocks port 6667, you can visit http://irc.callete.com/ and type in the channel name (#lj_dev) and leave the server name the same. This is a web interface to the network via CGI::IRC.
Just wanted to invite anyone interested in LiveJournal development to join us in the channel. Although it's kind of slow at times, you can usually find someone awake there to talk about development type issues.