No scrap value (nik_w) wrote in lj_dev,
No scrap value

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Uploading user pictures

Having spent a bit of time tonight uploading new userpics, I've noticed what a drag it is uploading a pic then scrolling down to find it then putting keywords in. Is there are particularly reason why it's not designed so that you can enter keywords in the same form as you put the location of the new picture? It would save at least one reload of the screen (and, I guess, a database/memcache hit on getting the revised keywords) - not much of either, but every little helps, right? People could still do it the old way if they wanted to, as the resulting page would be the same (except that the keywords would already be there). So, I'm just wondering if there's a reason it is done the way it is (perhaps I'm the only one that finds it a drag) or if it's just how it was originally designed and has never needed changing.

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