Jason (squeaky19) wrote in lj_dev,


Okay, on InsaneJournal.com I am having some issues with customview.cgi. As this is not an actual file, but parsed through mod_cgi, I am wondering if we can pull the .cgi extention off of it. I am testing this on InsaneJournal now, I am just wondering if there are any concequences of doing this, and if it works, what woudl I need to do to get this commited to CVS.

THe reason this causes as issue, is that in an envrionment where more than one site uses Apache on a single server, some might require the line "AddHandler exec-cgi .cgi" in the httpd.conf file. When this line is present, apache will give 404 error on all calls to customview.cgi. If the name is simply changed from customview.cgi to customview it should solve all of these issues.

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