"Error running style: Died in S2::run_code running EntryPage::print(): Undefined subroutine &S2::Builtin::EntryPage__get_latest_month called at /home/lj/cgi-bin/LJ/S2.pm line 1080."
Additionally, when trying to use commentinfo objects on entrypage, i get:
Error running style: Died in S2::run_code running EntryPage::print(): Method called on null CommentInfo object at layer #7165, line 332.
It sounds like CommentInfo objects aren't being populated (yet?), although this is probably a known thing, that just hasn't been implemented yet, but I thought I'd throw it here for completeness.
On the plus side! I got my entry to display in S2. And I'm extremely happy, so thank you for that. It's great. :)