I have installed a local LiveJournal from CVS earlier today. It appears to be working fine - I haven't found anything broken yet.
So I now need to configure it. I think I understand the rather convoluted local CVS system, but I may be wrong about that.
I have created a new scheme /home/lj/cgi-bin/bml/scheme/books based upon the bluewhite scheme, but with one change - a different header image.
I need an example /home/lj/cgi-bin/bmlp-local.cfg file to override the DefaultScheme and change it to my scheme. I have tried
DefaultScheme books
Scheme books
which doesn't work, but changing the /home/lj/cgi-bin/bmlp.cfg DefaultScheme does work.
(Yes - I am restarting Apache each time)
I'm not supposed to change the bmlp.cfg file for my own LJ installation.
Have I missed the relevant docs?