ljnp4u (ljnp4u) wrote in lj_dev,

I just walked in to say hi.
And to ask if there was any way you could 'subscribe' for a notification if anyone ever changed birthdays.bml ?
Furthermore I'd want to ask permission to change it myself so it takes a parameter ?hbdlj on which I would like to output a more bandwidth friendly version which I don't have to parse that much for the Livejournal Birthday Reminder (which probably no-one will use after you bring the daily e-mails back up).
So you know I rely heavily on that page and if it were to be picked up for translation, I'm doomed for most of livejournal's users.
So I'd like to anticipate, who do I nag about obtaining permission to change some stuff, and where can I test it before it goes life (e.g. what is goathack, etc...)

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