I figure that it should be that difficult to put the following into cgi-bin/ljprotocol.pl:
# Note - this is untested code - but the code is trivial
sub getinterests
my ($dbs, $req, $err, $flags) = @_;
return undef unless authenticate($dbs, $req, $err, $flags);
my $res = [];
my $dbr = $dbs->{'reader'};
my $sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT i.interest, i.intcount, i.intid " .
"FROM interests i, userinterests ui " .
"WHERE i.intid=ui.intid AND ui.userid=$u->{'userid'}"
my %interests = ();
while ($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
push @$res, { interest => $_->{'interest'},
return $res;
As I said, this code is untested but would be trivial to check. If this is something that would be desired, I can make sure this works and update protocol.dat once someone tells me how.