Ok.. so I get everything installed. All the perl modules, reconfigure apache with the modules enabled and moving mime_magic above mime_mod, installed mysql and can run the command line 'mysql -uroot' and connect to the lj database without a problem, even run a status command and it all LOOKS ok (can you tell I'm new to db stuff?) But I have a couple problems when following the directions, my two current problems are as follows:
1. lj can't connect to mysql when I run the update-db.pl command
:/home/lj# bin/upgrading/update-db.pl --runsql --populate
Can't connect to the database (clust#0), so I can't update it.
Only thing I can guess is that it wants cluster 0 and the config file starts with cluster 1, but I tinkered with that and it wouldn't work either. Help?
2. apache doesn't like it.. not sure what's wrong but this is what I get when I try to pull up the journal site:
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
One thing of note, it said creating the lj user was optional, so I didn't. All the lj files are owned by the apache user/group.