yarffaJ nalA (jnala) wrote in lj_dev,
yarffaJ nalA

Another bug

editinfo_do.bml won't allow you to enter an email address like me@mydomain.com, even if you're not using the LiveJournal feature that gives paid users email accounts @mydomain.com. The fix:

--- ../htdocs/editinfo_do.bml   Thu May 10 18:38:39 2001
+++ ../htdocs/editinfo_do.bml.new       Thu May 10 18:48:25 2001
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@

      unless ($FORM{'email'}) { push @errors, "You must provide your email address"; }
-     if ($FORM{'email'} =~ /\@\Q$LJ::USER_DOMAIN\E$/i) {
+     if ($LJ::USER_EMAIL and $FORM{'email'} =~ /\@\Q$LJ::USER_DOMAIN\E$/i) {
         push @errors, "You cannot enter an \@$LJ::USER_DOMAIN email address.  Enter your real address in that field.  If you're a paid user, your $u->{'user'}\@$LJ::USER_DOMAIN address will forward to your real address.  To choose which email address (or both) is displayed publicly, see the option below the \"Show your Contact Information\" option.";
      if ($FORM{'email'} =~ /\s/) { push @errors, "No spaces allowed in email address.  If you're on AOL, remember that your Internet Email address is your screen name with all spaces removed, followed by 
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<lt;b>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

editinfo_do.bml won't allow you to enter an email address like me@mydomain.com, even if you're not using the LiveJournal feature that gives paid users email accounts @mydomain.com. The fix:<p><lj-cut><pre> --- ../htdocs/editinfo_do.bml Thu May 10 18:38:39 2001 +++ ../htdocs/editinfo_do.bml.new Thu May 10 18:48:25 2001 @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ } unless ($FORM{'email'}) { push @errors, "You must provide your email address"; } - if ($FORM{'email'} =~ /\@\Q$LJ::USER_DOMAIN\E$/i) { + if ($LJ::USER_EMAIL and $FORM{'email'} =~ /\@\Q$LJ::USER_DOMAIN\E$/i) { push @errors, "You cannot enter an \@$LJ::USER_DOMAIN email address. Enter your real address in that field. If you're a paid user, your $u->{'user'}\@$LJ::USER_DOMAIN address will forward to your real address. To choose which email address (or both) is displayed publicly, see the option below the \"Show your Contact Information\" option."; } if ($FORM{'email'} =~ /\s/) { push @errors, "No spaces allowed in email address. If you're on AOL, remember that your Internet Email address is your screen name with all spaces removed, followed by <lt;B>\@aol.com<lt;/B>"; } </pre>

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