cat with many words
  • can3p

cl-journal livejournal client

Hey everyone,

I'd like to present a livejournal client that I wrote to fulfill my needs but maybe there are other people that can find it useful.

The general idea is that the best way to write text is to to it in a favorite text editor in a plain text file, since you can easily save it, back it up or keep it as a draft without any fear that it gets lost. In addition it's much easier to search through text files than to do it by going through blog pages or using livejournal blog search.

cl-journal provides this oportunity. All posts are just markdown files that you write and later publish with one command. Client not only publishes new posts but also handles post modifications and deletes.

At the moment client only pushes data to the server and won't know if post was modified via web interface, so it's better to use it to publish posts and do all modifications. The good part is that you can manage only selected posts with the client and publish others by usual means.

For a full feature set please have a look on a home page, for release announcements please feel free to join cl_journal_cli community.

Some of the next features I'm planning to work on is a pull from the server, so that it's possible to get all blog history as text files and post templates so that it's easier to handle layout changes and things like table of contents.

At the moment only Mac OS X is supported, although other operating systems should be more or less trivial to support.

Thanks for your attention!
amused, happy
  • mart

LiveJournal Source Code Archive

The official LiveJournal source repository at has been closed to those who don't work for LiveJournal since early 2014.

As a way of preserving (part of) the history of LiveJournal for posterity, I've created an archive repository, converted from Subversion to git so it's more usable with modern tools, that reflects every change from the LJ Subversion repository up to the end of March 2014.

After a considerable amount of history spelunking (with the help of burr86) I've been able to preserve the authorship information for many of the committers during the coversion to git, where possible using current email addresses to allow the commits to be attributed to each person's current github account.

I doubt anyone wants to run this code anymore (for that, the Dreamwidth code fork is probably an easier starting point) but I personally think LiveJournal made a significant contribution to the disciplines of collaborative development, scalable web application deployment and the social web, and thus I think its history (of which this codebase is a significant part) is worth preserving.

I hope someone finds this useful or interesting someday.

моё фото, кошка

ЖЖ на телефоне обновился и сдох(

Смотрю - а телефон вдруг решил обновления качнуть! С Андроидом 2.3 - обновления надо выключать, но я освобождал место в памяти и снёс параметры Google Play... И в благодарность, почуяв исчезновение запрета на обновление, телефон стал качать новые версии софтин...

Так и пала ЖЖчка 0.4.1 на моём телефоне, заменившись на 1.0, которая запускается, сообщает о том, что не работает на андроиде версиями ниже 4, и всё - ничего с ним не сделать.

Как быть? Несмотря на возраст телефона (3.5 года) до рутовских прав у меня руки не дошли...
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